Sunday, March 26, 2006

2:59 AM

Seems like a lot of visual aesthetics this week

For one, went to sneak preview of movie "ultraviolet" on Friday with J. Everything was great except the movie. There was WINE, finger food etc.. .and we still bought food from the counter.. Such gluttony. .. My advice is do not down three glasses of wine before the movie. Not only the movie was terrible, the woman next to me fell asleep tempting me to follow suit, especially with the effects of the wine. I swear I yawned like a million times during the show man..

The second was the TS final year project. Nat, Karen and San were part of the production. After much urging from Karen, I decided to go with Pok despite some misgivings about some issues. The acting and the singing were fantastic. Besides that, the way they handled the production was better than one I watch last semester in terms of the venue and the way the production crew behaved. The costumes were a letdown tho. Fadilah's dress made her look fat and in the first scene, there was this pink/ red feather pined on her that looked like a mini troll [extremely distracting]. Neither did I like the way the effect of the colour scheme of the costumes. To cut things short, the one saving point about the costumes was the funky pink shoes "Doris" wore; pok and I had turned to each other in the middle of the show and commented on how great it was.

Oh café cartel has this new method of collecting orders. Instead of paying at the counter, they collect those sheets of orders and bring you the food and the bill. We were so tempted to run away without paying when they did not bring the bill along with the food. Due to some urgent matter, we were unable to conquer "the Viking" which was 10 scoops of ice cream [TOTALLY SINFULLY!] Pok: till next time, cosy bay + 10 scoops of ice awaits!

oooh i created an account @ this site for Ricky. Go check it out!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

11:37 PM

Hmm.. seems like a long time since I last posted anything.. well after her demise, some shits that happened at home and some skank's (well there are other names too but this one suits the person to a T) remarks.. oh well. I was contemplating changing blogs to prevent the skank from reading but I decided against it. To the skank: if you do not like what you see here, you don't have to be here. Sod off anyways because I do not welcome u either. Ok.. enough bitching.. here goes nothing..

This semester marks the craziest period in my whole NUS career ever. Nope not because of it’s the last sem but because I am doing 4UEs. It is these irritating ues that caused me to have like 8 essays, 2 field trips and 1 presentation! With the core sociology module, I have a grand total of 9 essays! How lucky is that?

Jas: this is for you

Name five of life's simple pleasures that you like most, then pick five people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not use things that someone else has already used:

5. Reading without interruptions
4. The act of chilling out and talking with friends, be it alcohol [not exactly with you tho], coffee, ice-cream.. [the list goes on]
3. Traveling [apply to civilized societies where capitalism prevails]– the freedom, the culture, the food ..
2. Shopping [its common for a reason]
1. Sitting at the beach watching the waves/sunrise/cute guys/cute doggies

Hmm .. anybody can do this.. Surprise me…


Argh, semester is ending in a couple of months. Erin is going away for a couple of months. I have not shopped in months. Graduation too. The future ahead seems rather bleak. There is nothing exceptional to look forward besides eradicating the hands of the NUS education. So many things, so little time.


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